The Monsoon Strikes Back.

It seemed a fairly innocuous venture. Can you blame me for feeling hungry at
It seemed fairly simple. We would drive to Mukkam, have food, come back, and go to sleep.
Or so we thought.
We reached The Mukkam ‘Highway’, but the guys over there weren’t serving that day due to a poor turnout of customers (usually goods truck and lorry drivers who travel in the night, and dubious scum-of-the-earths like Frumious and myself, who have a penchant for suddenly being hungry late in the night owing to their digestive juices working overtime and because they figured among the ‘Good Gluttony’ magazine’s “Top 10 Gluttons of the Year TM”.).
Cursing our luck, we started back. We had reached a place about 3kms from college when it started to rain. Rain? It poured. The pourest pour that’s ever poured! (Forgive my grammar, it Eats Shoots and Leaves.) Droplets pelting like a downpour of small rocks. Frumious, even with his awesome driving experience , couldn’t make out the road any further, not to mention the water drops really hurting our faces while it came down.
We were searching frantically for the nearest shelter. And there it was. The Marthoma Cathedral, a modest roadside church with fairly protecting roof eaves and grilled shutters. We parked our loyal steed outside and scampered to near the shutters and the protecting eave. I could make out the lanky figure of Jesus on the crucifix through the grills. “Poor guy that”, remarked Frumious. “Yeah, they don’t make ‘em no more like him”, I replied. We started small talk about college, GPAs and Dialectical Materialism and were having a jolly good time, when a voice boomed from somewhere.
”So you dorks got stuck after all, eh? Losers !”
Of course we don’t believe in ghosts except the kind that teach us in College, but this was unsettling, to say the least. We were looking through the grills into the Cathedral searching for the source, when the crucifixed Jesus spoke, “ No, you morons, look above at the sky! It’s the Rain God talking.”
Now, a talking clay Jesus, we could take, but a voice from the sky? “What’s next, Monica Belluchi doing a belly dance to the tune of ‘Kaliyon ka Chaman’, in front of us?”, I half-expectantly mused aloud.
.......*Reconstruction of the conversation that subsequently transpired*.......
Mr. RG (Rain God): “That’s right, dorks. Especially you, you tiny piece of thing-that-you-find-in-a-baby’s-diaper, who likes to cuss me in his blog ! You’ve got some nerve writing that piece of inconsequential banality. It’s me alright! Now how do you feel about the rain rendering you stuck at this wee hour of the morning, sucker?
Me: Eh, heh..heh..Hi, Mr. Rain God. I..I….’just figured that the weather always made a nice topic when you are out of conversation..heh..heh..*ulp!*
Mr. RG: Well, guess what.. It’s not! How do u feel about this big downpour falling down like it’s never did , doofy!? No one ever rubs me the wrong way, dork, and gets away with it!
Me: Heyy. So I did write something in my blog about you. But you should understand, man. I did have a shitty day back then with those incessant rains and all. And stop calling me a dork, will you!
Mr. RG: Dorky iggy boogy Dork. What do you fancy, as an addressal, your Highness King Dorky the 5th of Dorkesia?
Me: about Efficient Baxter. I’ve always fancied a name with an adjective in it. It would sound awesome.
FB (the aforementioned Frumious Bandersnatch), after nudging me, and in a low voice: Dude? stop kiddin’ around, man. Don’t incense him any further with your PJs. He could as well set upon us this deluge and have our pathetic bodies washed away in the flood.
Me: Wha..but I wasn’t kiddin’..
Mr. RG: You think you are smart, eh? Well, let me tell you, dork. Even discounting the fact that you bad mouthed me in your blog; your writing just absolutely sucks! What’s with the wannabe esoteric vocabulary that the aam junta wouldn’t understand, bloody dork?
Me: Well. Nothing could be more specious, Mr. RG. I would never resort to any subterfuge or rhetoric inter alia in a language that’s dubiously precocious, ostentatious and......
Mr. RG: Oh, shut it, dork. We use the “Chambers-Oxford-Cambridge Multi Lingual Talking Dictionary of the Languages of All Nations Of The Universe” up here, when thy pathetic prick is just toying around with an Oxford Dictionary. A concise edition at that. Bleeping Idiot!
Me: *gulp* Shit! He’s seen through me.
Mr. RG: Now listen up, arseshole. I’ve had a shitty day myself. There was this plebiscite up here in heaven, and I’ve been upstaged by this other Rain God no:23 who used to take care of the arid deserts of Sub-Saharan Africa. He’s going to take over the responsibility of delivering showers to this sub-continent of yours from now on, while I have to take his place in
Me: *sotto voce* There we go again. *non-sotto voce* Frankly, O Transferred Rain God, I didn’t intend to hurt your feelings one wee bit. But honestly , yeah, I do accept full responsibility and may I apologise for the sacrilege I’ve committed (yeah, well, now I have to apologise to this voice-over artist from up above!). I’m sorry.
Mr. RG (obviously cooling down when I coupled my previous monologue with an expression the 'Puss-in-boots' makes in the Shrek Movies): hm..well, ok. Apology accepted. You do seem to be a nice guy after all.
Me: Salt of the earth.
Mr. RG: Yeah..yeah, yea.. I must admit I was a bit grumpy and had to take it out of my system.
Me: Never would’ve guessed.
Mr. RG: hmm..well. I already feel sorry on myself for taking it on you guys.
Me: No problem at all. The reason we were born was to be at the receiving end when ye Gods have mood swings. ($@#%^&*!)
Mr. RG: Anyways, I gotta go now to deliver liberal doses of Rain at Company-Mukku*. The drains haven’t overflowed even once and blocked the roads over there this monsoon, I’m told. Have to make amends.
Me: Of course. Duty beckons, eh? Tellya what, to make it up to you, every monsoon I’ll do the Red Indian Rain Dance so you can laugh your ass off before making it rain down here. What’s more, I’ll even get baptized as Crazy Constipated Bull , as Red Indian names go, if it makes you happy.
Mr. RG: Spare me that misery, will you? Just write about our conversation in that blog thingy of yours, so that future generations of senile bloggers know who they are messing with when fancy strikes. Ok?
Me: Okey Dokey. But before you go, may I ask you something? Is it true that it rains ‘coz the Gods above are taking a leak.
Mr. RG: Well, we do have bladders working overtime, alright. Heh..heh..
Me: That settles it then. See you around Mr.Rain God. May you drench everyone to glory and endow them with ridiculous laundry bills.
Mr. RG: ‘Righty then, and your fly’s open, for Chrissakes!
Me: eh..heh….sorry. ‘Bye Mr. RG and so long .
FB: Buh-bye Mr. RG. GO Rains, wohooo.!!! *phew*
We got back to the hostel safe, but totally wet. The rains didn’t stop. It- just - didn’t - stop….
*Company Mukku is a place close to Kattangal, which again is the next bus-stop after the Calicut Regional Engineering College stop.